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International Council for Science (ICSU)

Website: http://www.icsu.org/

Category: Education

Year of Foundation: 1931

Location of Foundation: Brussels, Belgium

Location of Headquarters: Paris, France

Brief Description: The International Council for Science describes itself as 'a non-governmental organization representing a global membership that includes both national scientific bodies and international scientific unions ... [which] ... is increasingly called upon to speak on behalf of the global scientific community and to act as an advisor in matters ranging from ethics to the environment.' (Source: www.icsu.org; accessed 3 February 2010).

Founding Rationales:

The International Council of Scientific Unions was established in Brussels in 1931 with the following objectives: '(i) To co-ordinate the national adhering organisations and also the various international Unions; (ii) To direct international scientific activity in subjects which do not fall within the purview of any existing international associations; (iii) To enter, through the national adhering organisations, into relation with the Governments of the countries adhering to the Council in order to promote scientific investigation in these countries.'

Compare these objectives with those of the organization it replaced, the International Research Council, set up in Brussels in 1919 with the following purposes: '(1) To co-ordinate international efforts in the different branches of science and its applications; (2) To initiate the formation of international Associations or Unions deemed to be useful to the progress of science in accordance with Article I of the resolutions adopted at the Conference of London, October, 1918; (3) To direct international scientific activity in subjects which do not fall within the purview of any existing international associations; (4) To enter through the proper channels into relation with the Governments of the countries adhering to the International Research Council in order to promote investigations falling within the competence of the Council.'

Sources: Henry Lyons (ed.), 'Fifth Assembly of the International Research Council and the First Assembly of the International Council of Scientific Unions held at Brussels, July 11th, 1931. Reports of Proceedings.' (Brussels: International Council of Scientific Unions, 1931), p. 78; Arthur Schuster (ed.), 'International Research Council. Constitutive Assembly held at Brussels, July 18th to July 28th, 1919. Reports of Proceedings.' (London: Harrison & Sons, 1920), p. 222.

Evolution of Membership (Organizations):

International Council for Science Membership Chart

Sources: YOI; EAIO; www.icsu.org (accessed 3 February 2010)