Inserting an Existing Component

This task shows you how to insert an existing component into the assembly.
1.  Select Product1 in the specification tree.
2.  Click the Existing Component  icon in the Product Structure Tools toolbar.

The File Selection dialog box is displayed.

3.  Navigate to C:\Program Files\Dassault Systemes\B10doc\online\asmug\samples directory and select Sub_Product1.CATProduct  
4. Click Open.

A new component is added to the specification tree. The assembly now includes four components: three parts and a sub-assembly.

This is the component you have just imported CRIC_SCREW :

To know the different document types you can insert in a CATProduct document, refer to Product Structure Version 5. However, to know how to insert .asm documents properly, refer to Opening a .asm Document.