Articles on Gestalt Psychology

Wertheimer, Max. (1938). Laws of organization in perceptual forms. In W. Ellis, W (Ed. & Trans.), A source book of Gestalt psychology (pp. 71-88). London: Routledge & Kegan Paul. (Original work published in 1923 as Untersuchungen zur Lehre von der Gestalt II, in Psychologische Forschung, 4, 301-350.)

Köhler, Wolfgang. (1959). Gestalt psychology today. American Psychologist, 14, 727-734.


Articles on Insight and Problem Solving

Beeman, M.J. and  Bowden, E.M. (2000) The right hemisphere maintains solution-related activation for yet-to-be-solved problems. Memory & Cognition, 28, 1231-1241.

Chronicle, E. P., Ormerod, T. C., & MacGregor, J. N. (2001). When insight just won't come: The failure of visual cues in the nine-dot problem. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 54A, 903-919.

  German, T.P.,& Defeyter, M.A. (2000). Immunity to functional fixedness in young children. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 7, 707-712.

Kershaw, T.C. (2004). Key actions in ins.ight problems: Further evidence for the importance of non-dot turns in the nine-dot problem. In K. Forbus, D. Gentner, & T. Regier (Eds.), Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 678-683).  Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. (.pdf file)

Kershaw, T.C., & Ohlsson, S. (2001). Training for insight: The case of the nine-dot problem.  In J.D. Moore & K. Stenning (Eds.), Proceedings of the Twenty-third Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 489-493). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. (.pdf file)

Kershaw, T.C., Ohlsson, S., & Coyne, C. (2003). The fallacy of single-source explanations: The multiple difficulties of the nine-dot problem. In R. Alterman & D. Kirsh (Eds.), Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 664-669). Cognitive Science Society.  (.pdf file)

MacGregor, J. N., Ormerod, T. C., & Chronicle, E. P. (2001). Information-processing and insight: A process model of performance on the nine-dot and related problems. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition, 27, 176-201.
MacGregor, J.N., Ormerod, T.C., & Chronicle, E. (2000). A model of human performance on the travelling salesperson problem. Memory & Cognition, 7, 1183-1190.
Ormerod, T. C., MacGregor, J. N. & Chronicle, E. P. (2002). Dynamics and Constraints in Insight Problem Solving. Journal of Experimental Psychology Learning, Memory, and Cognition, Vol. 28, No. 4, 791-799.


Articles on Language

Chomsky, N. (1959) A Review of B. F. Skinner's Verbal Behavior" in Language, 35, No. 1 (1959), 26-58.

Chomsky, N. (1968) Language and Mind.

Terrace, H. S., Petitto, L. A., Sanders, R. J., & Bever, T. G. (1979). Can an ape create a sentence? Science, 206,. 891-902.

Savage-Rumbaugh, S., McDonald, K., Sevcik, R., Hopkins, W., & Rupert, E. (1986). Spontaneous symbol acquisition and communicative use by pygmy chimpanzees (Pan paniscus). Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 115, 211 - 135.

Mark S. Seidenberg and Laura A. Petitto (1987). Communication, Symbolic Communication, and Language: Comment on Savage-Rumbaugh, McDonald, Sevcik, Hopkins, and Rupert (1986) Journal of Experimental Psychology: 1987, Vol. 116, No. 3,279-287