package concurrency.display; import java.awt.*; class NumberCanvas extends Canvas { int value_ = 0; String title_ = null; public NumberCanvas (String title) { this(title,Color.cyan); // re-uses the next constructor! } public NumberCanvas (String title, Color c) { super(); title_=title; setBackground(c); } // The repaint method calls the method paint that updates the GUI. // We will explain the paint method later. public void setvalue(int newval) { value_ = newval; repaint(); } Font f1 = new Font("Helvetica",Font.BOLD,36); Font f2 = new Font("Times",Font.ITALIC+Font.BOLD,24); public void setcolor(Color c) { setBackground(c); repaint(); } public void paint(Graphics g){ g.setColor(; // Display the title g.setFont(f2); FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics(); int w = fm.stringWidth(title_); int h = fm.getHeight(); int x = (getSize().width - w)/2; int y = h; g.drawString(title_, x, y); g.drawLine(x,y+3,x+w,y+3); // Display the value g.setFont(f1); fm = g.getFontMetrics(); String s1 = String.valueOf(value_); w = fm.stringWidth(s1); h = fm.getHeight(); x = (getSize().width - w)/2; y = (getSize().height+ h)/2; g.drawString(s1, x, y); } }