
Centre For Interactive Systems Research 
City University 
London EC1V 0BH 

Appendix L: Sample Programs to Access the BSS. 

    The following files are examples of the programs to access the BSS.

    record_number.pl  - a sample Perl script that retrieves records by their internal record number using the low-level interface to the Okapi BSS - i1+.

    search.pl  - a sample Perl script that reads a set of query terms from a file, gets their number of postings from BSS, weights the terms using the BSS weighting function and searches ft_96 database using weighted operator bm2500. The script uses i1+ to access BSS.

    ok-test.c  - a sample C program that reads some terms from a file, forms a bestmatch set and then displays the first five documents from the set.

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Last modified:   12th November 2000