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Heyman B., Buswell-Griffiths C. and Taylor J. (In Press) Risk escalators and the rehabilitation of offenders with learning disabilities. Social Science & Medicine.

Heyman B. and Henriksen M. (2001) Risk, Age and Pregnancy. A Case Study of Prenatal Genetic Screening and Testing. Basingstoke: Palgrave. ISBN 0-333-73940-X

Sartain S.A., Clarke C.L. and Heyman B. (2000) Hearing the voices of children with chronic illness. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 32, 913-921.

Gillman M., Swain J. and Heyman B. (2000) What’s in a name? The implications of diagnosis for people with learning difficulties and their family carers. Disability and Society, 15.

Cowley L., Heyman B., Stanton M. and Milner S.  (2000) How women receiving adjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer cope with their treatment: A risk management perspective. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 31, 314-321.

Heyman B. (1999) Guest editorial: Risk analysis and health practice. Health, Risk & Society, 1, pp. 149-150.

Heyman B., and Handyside E.C. (1999) How can therapists help to promote the sexual well-being of adults with learning difficulties? A risk management dilemma. In Swain J.  and French S. (Eds.) Therapy and Learning Difficulties: Advocacy, Participation and Partnership.  Butterworth Heinemann.

Swain J., Gillman M. and Heyman B. Challenging questions? In Swain J.  and French S. (Eds.) Therapy and Learning Difficulties: Advocacy, Participation and Partnership.  Butterworth Heinemann.

Heyman B., Henriksen M. and Maughan K. (1998) Probabilities and Health Risks: A Qualitative Approach. Social Science & Medicine, 9, 1295-1306.

Heyman B. Swain J. and Gillman M. (1998) A risk management dilemma: How day centre staff understand challenging behaviour. Disability & Society, 13, 163-182.

Heyman B. (Ed.)(1998) Risk, Health and Health Care: A Qualitative Approach. Edward Arnold.

Heyman B. and Henriksen M. (1998) Values and health risks. In B. Heyman (Ed.) Risk, Health and Health Care: A Qualitative Approach. Edward Arnold.

Heyman B. and Henriksen M. (1998) Probability and health risks. In B. Heyman (Ed.) Risk, Health and Health Care: A Qualitative Approach. Edward Arnold.

Henriksen M. and Heyman B. (1998) Being old and pregnant. In B. Heyman (Ed.) Risk, Health and Health Care: A Qualitative Approach. Edward Arnold.

Watson B. and Heyman B. (1998) Risk and coping with diabetes. In B. Heyman (Ed.) Risk, Health and Health Care: A Qualitative Approach. Edward Arnold.

Heyman B., Huckle S. and Handyside E.C. (1998) Freedom of the locality for people with learning difficulties. In B. Heyman (Ed.) Risk, Health and Health Care: A Qualitative Approach. Edward Arnold.

Corkish C. and Heyman B. (1998) The resettlement of people with severe learning difficulties. In B. Heyman (Ed.) Risk, Health and Health Care: A Qualitative Approach. Edward Arnold.

Clarke C.L. and Heyman B. (1998) Risk management for people with dementia. In B. Heyman (Ed.) Risk, Health and Health Care: A Qualitative Approach. Edward Arnold.

Swain J., Heyman B. and Gillman M. (1998) Public research, private concerns: Ethical issues in the use of open-ended interviews with people who have learning difficulties. Disability & Society, 13, 21-36.

Gillman M., Heyman B. and Swain J. (1997) Life history or 'case' history: The objectification of people with learning difficulties through the tyranny of professional discourses. Disability and Society, 12, 675-693. 

Dawson P. and Heyman B. (1997) Evaluating community health services: Conflict and controversy. Health and Social Care in the Community, 5, 255-260.

Byrne G. and Heyman B. (1997) Understanding nurses’ communication with patients in accident and emergency using a symbolic interactionist perspective. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 26, 93-100.

Byrne G. and Heyman B. (1997) Patient anxiety in the accident and emergency department. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 6, 289-295.

Heyman B. Swain J., Gillman M., Handyside E. C. and Newman W. (1997) Alone in the crowd: How adults with learning difficulties cope with social network problems. Social Science & Medicine, 44, 41-53.

Heyman B. and Huckle S. (1995) Sexuality as a perceived hazard in the lives of adults with learning difficulties. Disability & Society, 10, 139-155.

Heyman B. (1995) Talking to people with learning difficulties, in J. Reed and S. Procter (Eds.) Practitioner Research in Health Care, Chapman & Hall.

Handyside E. and Heyman B. (1995) Mental illness in the community: The role of voluntary and state agencies. In Heyman B. (Ed.) Researching Community Health Care: Client Perspectives, Chapman & Hall.

Heyman B. and Huckle S. (1995) How adults with learning difficulties and their carers see 'the community. In B. Heyman (Ed.) Researching User Perspectives on Community Health Care.  Chapman & Hall.

Heyman B. (1995) Patients' views of GPs. In B. Heyman (1995) (Ed.) Researching User Perspectives on Community Health Care.  Chapman & Hall.

Heyman B. (1995) (Ed.) Researching User Perspectives on Community Health Care.  Chapman & Hall.

Heyman B. and Huckle S. (1993) Not worth the risk? Attitudes of adults with learning difficulties and their informal and formal carers to the hazards of everyday life, Social Science & Medicine, 12, 1557-1564.

Clarke C. L., Heyman B., Pearson P. and Watson D. W. (1993) Formal carers: Their attitudes to working with the dementing elderly and their informal carers. Health and Social Care in the Community, 1, 227-238.

Aarvold J., and Heyman B. (1993) Computer literacy in the NHS: is the writing on the wall. Health Services Journal, February 17th.

Heyman B. and Huckle S. (1993) Normal life in a hazardous world: How adults with moderate learning difficulties and their carers cope with risks and dangers. Disability, Handicap & Society, 8, 143-160.

Aarvold J., Heyman B. and Bell B. (1992) Teaching computer skills. In J. Reed J. and S, Procter (Eds.) Nurse Education: Issues and Approaches. Edward Arnold.

Heyman B. and Campbell S. (1992) A statistics package. In S. Procter and J. Reed (Eds.) Nurse Education: Issues and Approaches. Edward Arnold.

Merelie D.S. and Heyman B. (1992) Dental needs of the elderly in residential care in Newcastle upon Tyne and the role of formal carers. Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology, 20, 106-111.

Handyside E.C. and Heyman B. (1990) Community care: Clients' perceptions of services and an evaluation of a voluntary agency support scheme, International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 36, 280-289.

Heyman B., Bell B., Kingham M.R. and Handyside E.C. (1990) Social class and the prevalence of handicapping conditions, Disability, Handicap and Society, 5, 167-183.

Bell B. Heyman B. and Kingham M.R. (1990) Images of the Cuban health care system, Nursing Standard, 17. 

O'Brien D. and Heyman B. (1989) Changes in nurse education and the facilitation of nursing research: An exploratory study. Nurse Education Today, 9, 392-396.

Heyman, B. and Shaw, M.P. (1984) A longitudinal study of changing attitudes to work among nursing trainees in two British general hospitals, Journal of Advanced Nursing, 9, 297-305.

Heyman B. and Shaw M.P. (1984) A look at relationships between nurses. In Skevington, S. (Ed.) The Social Psychology of Nursing, Wiley.

Clinton M. and Heyman B. (1983) New courses for health professionals, Nursing Focus, 4, 7.

Heyman B. and Shaw M.P. (1983) A personal construct theory approach to the socialisation of nursing trainees in two British general hospitals. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 8, 59-67.

Shaw M.P. and Heyman B. (1982) Changes in patterns of care of the mentally handicapped. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 7, 555-563.

Heyman B. and Shaw M.P. (1980) Perceptions of the British nursing officer. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 5, 613-623.

Shaw M.P. and Heyman B. (1980) Constructs of relationship and issues of authority in nursing. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 5, 187-198.

Heyman B. and Shaw M.P. (1979) Constructs of relationship. Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour, 9, 231-262.