Analyzing Dependences  


This task shows you how to see the relationships between components using a tree.
Open the AnalyzingAssembly03.CATProduct document.
1.  Select  the component CRIC_BRANCH_3.1.

ainfo.gif (980 bytes) You can analyze the dependencies of your assembly by selecting the root of the tree too.
2.  Select Analyze -> Dependencies....

The following dialog box is displayed:

3. Right-click CRIC_BRANCH3.1 and select the Expand node contextual command.

The constraints defined for this component then appear:

4. Right-click CRIC_BRANCH3.1 again and select the Expand all contextual command.
Now, the constraints and components related to the component you have selected are displayed:

You can notice that there are:

- a coincidence constraint between CRIC_BRANCH_3.1 and CRIC_BRANCH_.1.1 .

- a surface contact constraint between CRIC_BRANCH_3.1 and CRIC_FRAME_1.1.  

- a surface contact constraint 

- a coincidence constraint

- a surface contact

5.  Checking the different options available in the Elements frame, you can display the following:
Constraints: by default, this option is activated.
Associativity: shows components edited in Assembly Design context. Contextual components are linked to support components by green lines in the graph, as illustrated in the example below:

CRIC_AXIS.1 has been designed in Assembly Design context. Its geometry lies on CRIC_BRANCH_1.1 and CRIC_BRANCH_3.1

Relations: shows formulas. For more information, please refer to CATIA- Knowledge Advisor User's Guide Version 5.
6.  You can also display the relationships by filtering the components you wish to see. Either check the Child option to take the children of the component  into account or check Leaf to hide them.
7.  Contextual commands are available:
Expand all: lets you see the whole relationship. Note that double-clicking produces the same result.
Show children: displays all children of the component
Set as new root: sets the selected component as the component whose relationships are to be examined.
ainfo.gif (980 bytes) Zooming in and zooming out in the tree is allowed.
8.  Click OK to close the dialog box.



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