Reading Clash Command Results


Interference results differ depending on the interference type selected for the analysis. The following illustrates expected results for the different analysis combinations.


Given for information only. This option is not available.

Contact + Clash

If red zones overlap, a clash is detected. If yellow zones only overlap, a contact is detected.
Note: sag (yellow zone) is offset from the skin inwards.
If the minimum distance between the yellow zones is less than the total sag (sag1 + sag2), a contact is detected.

Clearance + Contact + Clash


The sag corresponds to the fixed sag value for calculating tessellation on objects (3D fixed accuracy) set in the Performances tab of Tools -> Options -> General -> Display. By default, this value is set to 0.2 mm. The sag value set in this tab is offset from the skin inwards on both selection 1 and selection 2, .

This value is valid for both the Part to Part Clash and the Clash commands.


This task explains how to read the global results in the Check Clash dialog box and browse through them in the Preview window.
Open the AnalyzingAssembly01.CATProduct document.
1. Click the Clash icon and run a check of type Clearance (25mm) + Contact + Clash between all components. For more information, refer to Detecting Interferences.

The Check Clash dialog box expands to show the results.

The dialog box identifies the number of interferences detected along with the type: 4 interferences have been detected.

Status lights are color-coded as follows:

red: at least one conflict is relevant
orange: no relevant conflicts, at least one conflict is Not inspected
green: all conflicts are Irrelevant.

Interference results are presented in two different ways in the dialog box:

List by Conflict tab: lists results by conflict with one conflict per line.
List by Product tab: lists results by product. There may be more than one conflict per product.
2.  Select the first conflict in the list, that is a clash, to run a detailed computation.

A Preview window appears showing the products in conflict only.

The minimum distance is specified in the dialog box and both the minimum distance and red intersection curves identify clashing products separated by less than the specified clearance distance of 25mm are displayed in the geometry area.

Color Coding for Conflicts  

Clash: red intersection curves identify clashing products.
Contact: yellow triangles identify products in contact.
Clearance: green triangles identify products separated by less than the specified clearance distance.
If necessary, pan, zoom and/or rotate in the Preview window to visualize the interference better.
3. Select contact and clearances in turn in the List by Conflict tab to run a detailed computation.

As you select them, the Value and Status columns in the Check Clash dialog box, and the Preview window are updated.

4. You can also view the selected interference in a dedicated viewer. To do so, click the Results window icon in the Clash Tools toolbar.

Filtering the Display in the Dialog Box

You can filter the display of  results in tabs by:
All types
Type of interference: clash, contact or clearance
Value: no filter, increasing value or decreasing value.
Status: all, not inspected, relevant, irrelevant. Until selected, all interferences are reported not inspected. Inspected interferences can be relevant or irrelevant
5. Set Clearance as the filter type.
6. Click Apply filters to update the display.
7. To change the status of an inspected conflict, click the status field of the appropriate conflict.

The conflict status changes from relevant to irrelevant and vice-versa depending on the initial value.

 8. You can also add comments to selected conflicts: Click the Comment field.

The Comment dialog box appears.

9. Enter your comment, for example "Test" and click OK.
10. Click the List by Product tab to display conflicts associated with products.

Results are organized by product in the List by Product tab. There may be more than one conflict per product.

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