View Results in a Dedicated Window


This task explains how to view selected interferences in a separate viewer.
Open the AnalyzingAssembly01.CATProduct document.
1. Click the Clash icon and run a check of type Clearance (25mm) + Contact + Clash between all components. For more information, refer to Detecting Interferences.

The Check Clash dialog box expands to show the results of the initial computation. The first interference is selected by default and a detailed computation has been run.

2. Close the Preview window.
3.  Click the Results window icon in the Clash Tools toolbar to view the selected interference in a dedicated viewer.

The Interference Results.1 window opens.

Color Coding for Conflicts

Clash: red intersection curves identify clashing products.
Contact: yellow triangles identify products in contact.
Clearance: green triangles identify products separated by less than the specified clearance distance.
Object viewing commands and commands in the Window menu are available in this window. You can, for example, tile the Interference results window and the original document window vertically or horizontally.
4. For example, select Window -> Tile Vertically from the menu bar to organize the open windows vertically.
5. Click OK in the Check Clash dialog box to exit when done.

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