Loading/Saving a CATDrawing (Resolved Link)

This task will show you how to load and save a CATDrawing document from an existing CATPart document. Use the same methodology to save a CATProduct, a sheet metal Part or a .model V4/V5 document.
In this particular case, all the links that exist between the CATPart document and the CATDrawing document will be resolved as you will choose to load the referenced document.
You can now modify your CATPart  choosing not to update the related CATDrawing document. It is now possible to customize the settings.
Activate the settings. For this:



Select the Tools -> Options... command.

Click General in the list of objects to the left of the Options dialog box (General tab).

Make sure the Load referenced documents option (default option) is actually checked.



Press OK.






Open the GenDrafting_part_links.CATDrawing document.



Make sure the specification tree actually appears as shown above. In other words, make sure the symbols are not broken which would means that links between the CATPart and the projection views are unresolved.



Select the Edit->Links command.
The Links dialog box appears with the existing links between the CATDrawing and  its related CATPart. In our example, this corresponds to links applied to the front, top and right views which are found and loaded (currently displayed in our session).



Press OK.


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