Class AttributeTable

  extended byjavax.swing.table.AbstractTableModel
      extended byjwo.landserf.structure.AttributeTable
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, TableModel

public class AttributeTable
extends AbstractTableModel

Represents a set of attributes that can be associated with a spatial model. The table must consist of a unique primary key that corresponds to the spatial object's primary attribute, and a set of one or more secondary attributes. These attributes can be numeric or textual.

2.1, 11th August, 2004.
Jo Wood
See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class javax.swing.table.AbstractTableModel
Constructor Summary
AttributeTable(AttributeTable oldTable)
          Creates a new clone of the given attribute table.
AttributeTable(int numCols)
          Creates an attribute table with the given number of columns.
AttributeTable(int numCols, String[] headings)
          Creates an attribute table with the given number of columns and given column headings.
Method Summary
 void addAttributes(float id, Object[] attributes)
          Adds a given set of attributes associated with the given attribute ID to the table.
 void addColumn()
          Adds a column with default name to the table.
 void addColumn(String columnName)
          Adds a column with the given name to the table.
 void addRow()
          Adds a blank row to the attribute table.
 int getActiveColumn()
          Reports the currently selected active column used for retrieving attributes, or -1 if table is empty.
 Object getAttribute(float id)
          Retrieves the attribute associated with the given ID.
 Object[] getAttributes(float id)
          Retrieves all the attributes associated with the given ID.
 Class getColumnClass(int column)
          Reports the type of object stored in the given column.
 int getColumnCount()
          Reports the number of columns in the table.
 String getColumnName(int col)
          Reports the given column heading.
 String getFormattedAttribute(float id)
          Retrieves a formatted version of the attribute associated with the given ID.
 float getNumericAttribute(float id)
          Retrieves a numeric attribute associated with the given ID.
 int getRowCount()
          Reports the number of rows in the table.
 Object getValueAt(int row, int col)
          Reports the value stored in the table at the given coordinates.
 boolean isCellEditable(int row, int col)
          Reports whether the cell represented by the given coordinates is editable.
 boolean isNumeric()
          Reports whether the current active column contains numeric values.
 boolean isNumeric(int col)
          Reports whether the given colum contains numeric values.
 void setActiveColumn(int activeCol)
          Sets the column to use for retrieving attributes.
 void setAttribute(float id, int column, Object newValue)
          Sets the attribute associated with the given ID and column value.
 void setColumnName(int col, String name)
          Sets the name of the given column.
 void setHeadings(String[] headings)
          Sets the headings associated with the table columns.
 void setValueAt(Object value, int row, int col)
          Sets the value stored in the table at the given coordinates.
Methods inherited from class javax.swing.table.AbstractTableModel
addTableModelListener, findColumn, fireTableCellUpdated, fireTableChanged, fireTableDataChanged, fireTableRowsDeleted, fireTableRowsInserted, fireTableRowsUpdated, fireTableStructureChanged, getListeners, getTableModelListeners, removeTableModelListener
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public AttributeTable(AttributeTable oldTable)
Creates a new clone of the given attribute table. If the supplied table is null, this will create an empty table with 1 column ready to store IDs.

oldTable - Table to clone.


public AttributeTable(int numCols)
Creates an attribute table with the given number of columns. The first column will always be the primary ID, the remaining columns will hold the attributes associated with that ID.

numCols - Number of columns (equal to 1 + number of attibutes).


public AttributeTable(int numCols,
                      String[] headings)
Creates an attribute table with the given number of columns and given column headings. The first column will always be the primary ID, the remaining columns will hold the attributes associated with that ID.

numCols - Number of columns (equal to 1 + number of attibutes).
headings - Array of column headings, or null if none provided.
Method Detail


public void setHeadings(String[] headings)
Sets the headings associated with the table columns. The array of headings must be the same length as the number of columns including the primary ID. If it is not, this method will silently fail and not change the column headings.

headings - List of column headings.


public void setActiveColumn(int activeCol)
Sets the column to use for retrieving attributes. A value of 0 indicates the ID, 1 the first attribute etc. Performs a check on the new active column see if values are numeric or not.

activeCol - The column to use for retrieving attributes.


public int getActiveColumn()
Reports the currently selected active column used for retrieving attributes, or -1 if table is empty.

Column used for retrieving attributes.


public Object getAttribute(float id)
Retrieves the attribute associated with the given ID. The attribute is determined by the ID itself and the currently selected 'active column'.

id - ID to search for.
Matched attribute or null if ID not found.


public String getFormattedAttribute(float id)
Retrieves a formatted version of the attribute associated with the given ID. Useful for neat output, but should not be used for processing since attributes may be rounded. The attribute is determined by the ID itself and the currently selected 'active column'.

id - ID to search for.
Formatted attribute or "n/a" if ID not found.


public void setAttribute(float id,
                         int column,
                         Object newValue)
Sets the attribute associated with the given ID and column value.

id - ID to search for.
column - Column representing attribute to change (0 = ID).
newValue - New value to place in table.


public Object[] getAttributes(float id)
Retrieves all the attributes associated with the given ID.

id - ID to search for.
An array of attributes associcated with the ID or null if ID not found.


public float getNumericAttribute(float id)
Retrieves a numeric attribute associated with the given ID. The attribute is determined by the ID itself and the currently selected 'active column'. If the active column contains non-numeric data, the ID itelf is returned.

id - ID to search for.
Matched attribute or NO_VALUE if ID not found.


public void addAttributes(float id,
                          Object[] attributes)
Adds a given set of attributes associated with the given attribute ID to the table. If the ID already exists in the table, that set of attributes is replaced with this one.

id - ID associated with the attributes.
attributes - Array of attributes. Should be equal in size to the number of columns-1 defined when creating the attribute table.


public void addRow()
Adds a blank row to the attribute table. Will add a new unique ID using the largest existing ID +1.


public void addColumn()
Adds a column with default name to the table.


public void addColumn(String columnName)
Adds a column with the given name to the table.

columnName - Name of column to add.


public boolean isNumeric()
Reports whether the current active column contains numeric values.

True if active column contains only numeric values.


public boolean isNumeric(int col)
Reports whether the given colum contains numeric values.

col - Column to query.
True if the given column contains only numeric values.


public void setColumnName(int col,
                          String name)
Sets the name of the given column.

col - Number of the column to change (first is column 0).
name - New name for the given column.


public String getColumnName(int col)
Reports the given column heading.

col - Column number to query.
Column heading.


public int getRowCount()
Reports the number of rows in the table.

Number of rows.


public int getColumnCount()
Reports the number of columns in the table.

Number of columns.


public Object getValueAt(int row,
                         int col)
Reports the value stored in the table at the given coordinates.

row - Row coordinate to query.
col - Column coordinate to query.
Object stored at the given coordinates.


public boolean isCellEditable(int row,
                              int col)
Reports whether the cell represented by the given coordinates is editable. Currently all cells are editable.

row - Row coordinate to query.
col - Column coordinate to query.
True if cell is editable.


public Class getColumnClass(int column)
Reports the type of object stored in the given column.

column - Column to query.
Type of object stored in the given column.


public void setValueAt(Object value,
                       int row,
                       int col)
Sets the value stored in the table at the given coordinates.

value - Value to store in table.
row - Row coordinate of cell to set.
col - Column coordinate of cell to set.

Copyright Jo Wood, 1996-2004, last modified, 3rd September, 2004