Getting there
Schedule of talks
Social activities
Summer school and conference notes
Groups, Representations, and Cohomology- Isle of Skye, 19-26 June, 2015
Sabhal Mòr Ostaig
, Isle of Skye, Scotland
19-26 June, 2015
Summer school and conference notes
Conference Notes
Jesse Burke: Generalized Koszul duality applied to complete intersections rings
Christopher Drupieski: Universal extension classes for algebraic supergroups
Srikanth Iyengar: Varieties for modules over commutative rings
Julia Pevtsova: Stratification and cosupport for finite group schemes
Jeremy Rickard: Simple modules and Stable categories
Radu Stancu: Vanishing evaluations of biset functors
Summer School Notes
Talk 01 Representations of finite groups
Talk 02 The stable module category
Talk 03 The derived category
Talk 04 Overview part I: statement of the classification theorem
Talk 05 The spectrum of a graded commutative algebra
Talk 06 Support varieties
Talk 07 The derived category of a commutative DGA
Talk 08 The Hopkins-Neeman theorem
Talk 09 More differential graded algebra
Talk 10 The Bernstein-Gelfand-Gelfand correspondence
Talk 11 Elementary abelian
Talk 12 Formality of the Koszul complex
Talk 13 Carlson's generation theorem and reduction to elabs
Talk 14 Overview part II: proof of the classification theorem