Package jwo.utils.gui

General classes for easy and consistent GUI production.


Interface Summary
ImageHandler Defines the behaviour of all image handlers.
JWColourListener Interface for objects that need to be updated when a colour value is changed.
JWDialogueListener Interface for objects that need to be updated when a non-modal dialogue is closed.
JWInterruptionListener Interface for objects that need to be informed that a process has been interrupted by the user.

Class Summary
BMPHandler Handles Windows .bmp (bitmap) files
BrowserLauncher BrowserLauncher is a class that provides one static method, openURL, which opens the default web browser for the current user of the system to the given URL.
ComponentFactory Provides the facilities to create customised components with a similar look and feel.
EditableHeader A table header that can be edited by double clicking on the header entry.
EditableHeaderTableColumn Represents a single editable column header.
EditableHeaderUI Controls the look and feel of the editable table header.
GIFHandler Saves images in GIF format.
GUIHandler Creates a frame containing logger output.
ImageUtils Collection of static image utilities.
JPGHandler Saves images in JPEG format.
JWAxisItem Object to hold graph axis information.
JWColourRing Creates a colour ring for displaying HSV colour space.
JWColourSelect Creates a graphic colour selector.
JWDialogue Class for displaying for dialogue windows.
JWFrame Creates a containing window with status, progress, menu and toolbar options.
JWGraph Simple graph object.
JWGraphItem Skeleton for a graphical object to be added to Graph.
JWNumberField A text field that only allows numeric values to be entered.
JWPicture Loads and displays an image in a form that can be added to graphical containers.
JWRubberband Draws a rubberband box for interactive selection of rectangular regions with the mouse.
JWSlider Creates a compact slider with min/max labels and title.
JWStatusBar Creates status bar for displaying messages and progress.
PNGHandler Saves images in PNG format.
PointLayout Creates simple scalded grid layout with a single cell.
PrintUtilities Handles the printing of any printable object.
RunTest Simple GUI for testing gui utilities.
RunTest.MyFontTheme Colour and font theme.
SCLayout Creates simple scalded column layout with multiple rows and a single column.
SGLayout Creates simple scalded grid layout with multiple columns and rows.
SRLayout Creates simple scalded row layout with multiple columns and a single row.
TableMap In a chain of data manipulators some behaviour is common.
TableSorter A sorter for TableModels.
TargaReader Reads Targa (.tga) image files and creates Java Image objects from them.
UndoableEditorPane An HTML friendly text pane with undo and redo facilities.

Package jwo.utils.gui Description

General classes for easy and consistent GUI production.

Includes standard parent windows (JWFrame), dialogue windows (JWDialogue) and factory methods for consistent graphical component production (ComponentFactory).

Related Documentation

Copyright Jo Wood, 1996-2005, last modified, 11th March, 2005