Export Clash Results


This task explains how to export clash results to a text file and publish clash results to an XML file
Open the AnalyzingAssembly01.CATProduct document.
1. Click the Clash icon and run a check of type Clearance (25mm) + Contact + Clash between all components. For more information, refer to Detecting Interferences.

The Check Clash dialog box expands to show the results of the initial computation.

2. Browse through results using the Results viewer.
3.  To publish results to an XML file, click the Export As icon in the Clash Tools toolbar:

The Export As dialog box is displayed:

Set Type to XML (Extensible Markup Language): a standard format that can be used as a simple way to exchange data.
Identify the folder in which you want to save the file.
Enter a file name.
Click Save to publish the results.

Note: Each time you export results, a folder containing all necessary files and images is created.

4. Open your browser and read the results.
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5. Click the interference (computation result table) in the browser to jump to the part of the page displaying the selected interference and appropriate results.
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The viewpoints set when visualizing the interferences in the Results window are saved and exported along with the clash results.
Any filters applied to the results in the dialog box are taken into account so you can use the filters to export only pertinent results. 
6. To write results to a text file, click the Export As icon in the Clash Tools toolbar:

The Export As dialog box is displayed.

Set Type to *.txt
Identify the folder in which you want to save the file.
Enter a file name.
Click Save to save the results in a text file.
7. Click OK to exit when done.

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